Ammetto di non sapere chi è Sergey Spektor ma quello che scrive a proposito di Israele che occuperebbe lo stato palestinese mi sembra condivisibile: senza dubbio, anche i palestinesi sono stati trattati malissimo, ma l'attacco di Hamas va condannato senza se e senza ma, e vanno condannati gli anti israeliani della sinistra antagonista italiana, e i loro omologhi fascisti.
Adesso c'è da avere paura della reazione israeliana. Tra la costante voglia di reazione agli attacchi, il governo di (estrema) destra e certo la non volontà di Hamas di interrompere le ostilità, chissà cosa succederà ancora.
A little bit of history:
Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.
- To the British Mandate existed the Ottoman Empire, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Mamlyuk Islamic State of Egypt, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Islamic State of Mamlyuk of Egypt, the Empire of Ayubid existed, not the Palestinian State. Goffrey IV of Bulonsky, known as Godfrey de Bouillon, conquered Jerusalem in 1099
- Before the Empire of Ayubid, there existed the French and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the empires of Omeyad and Fatimid existed, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the empires of the Omeyad and Fatimid, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonees State, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Hasmoneysk state, it was the Selevkid state, not the Palestinian state.
- Before the Selevkid Empire, there existed the Empire of Alexander of Macedonia, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Empire of Alexander of Macedonia, there was the Persian Empire, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylon Empire, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Babylon Empire, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea existed, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea, the Kingdom of Israel existed, not the Palestinian State.
- Before the Kingdom of Israel, there was a theocracy of the twelve knees of Israel, not the Palestinian state.
- Before the twelve generations of Israel's theocracy, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaan cities-empires, not the Palestinian state.
In fact, this piece of earth was everything EXCEPT THE PALESTINE STATE.